Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lit Circle Letter #3: Bastard out of Carolina

I have never annotated Bastards out of Carolina because I think when I annotate, I’m just going to ruin the book even more like maybe criticize it, which I kind of did in my mind, but I just didn’t write anything down. There are several parts of the book that I did not like at all. I guess you can say I hated most parts of the book, except for the ones that are intense like the incident between Glen and Bone. But it’s not like I liked that part, it’s just a part that caught my attention. I really don’t know why Dorothy Allison wrote this book; is it because she wanted to? Well duh, of course she wanted to… Is it because something similar has happened to her life that has happened to Bone from the book? Or was she influenced from reading other books or watching movies similar to what she have wrote and wanted to write about it using her own imagination? I want to know why Bone’s mother left with Glen after what he did to her daughter. Maybe Dorothy Allison has her own reasons on why she made it like this, I mean, every author has a purpose on writing every little bits of the book. But I mean in the story in general… would any mother do that to her child? If it was me, I would dump that stupid ass and take my child and leave, far far away, so that he won’t have any connections with us. Plus I think it’s weird how a step father would do that to his own step daughter, that’s just sick. And I want to know, why exactly did Shannon lit herself on fire and die? After she talked shit about Bone’s family.
The questions that I’m planning on writing about is definitely 8, 3, and 2. I’m still not so sure about 2 or 3 though but I’m definitely doing 8.
This book has no relation to my life at all. It’s completely different from my life and family and friends. When I’m reading this book, I’m all like “What?” But then my family and most of Bone’s family are pretty cool and caring.

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