Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lit Circle #1: Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys

For this last lit circle, I will be reading Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys written by Kate Brian. Priscilla recommended this book to me and so far, I like it a lot. This book should become a movie someday because I honestly think it's not that hard to film or direct. Anyways, from what I read so far in the story, Megan Meade, a typical tomboy Junior army girl and her parents move from place to place all over the world. Megan Meade currently lives in Texas and one day her parents told her they were going to move to South Korea. Megan felt like she has finally found a home to live in and she wants to stay here for her whole life so she told her parents No, she's not moving again, she's staying here.

She had a real best friend, Tracy Dale-Franklin. And this year, on the first day of school, she was going to talk to Ben Palmer. Finally, finally talk to him. She even had the outfit all picked out and had practiced her greeting three hundred and fifty-one times in front of the mirror. This was suppose to be The Year of Megan. Why was this happening?

Her parents decided that she can stay in the United States, but she's going to have to live with their friends, the John and Regina McGowan and their seven boys who lives in Massachusetts. Megan and her best friend Tracy talked through instant messaging. Tracy reminds me of a preppy drama chick who loves fashion, shopping, and cute boys. She even told Megan to make a guide book about what it's going to be like living with seven guys "where testosterone is the king and she is an outcast."

When she arrived at their house, the boys were outside playing. There were so many of them and they "have been touched by Abercrombie gods". Megan finally noticed this guy who's super hot and has six-pack abs. His smile sent shivers right through Megan's core. He had shaggy blond hair, a square chin, and the most perfect shoulder muscles Megan had ever seen. He went over to help Megan with her bags. He introduced him; Evan. Megan got so surprised because she remembers Evan when they were little. Evan use to be this really pudgy, stringy haired, snot bubble blowing little boy, but now he's like a GOD.

The rest of the boys introduced themselves when they got into the house. So there are Evan, the senior; Doug, the 2nd to oldest son who reminds me of a gangster; Miller, 3rd son who has Asperger's Syndrome. Finn, the nice guy; Sean, who loves motorcycles; Ian and Caleb are the youngest who goes through Megan's stuff and trouble makers.

Megan starts school with the boys and things are sort of better at school. To her it’s just “a piece of cake”. But trying to survive a house full of boys is just complicated.

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