Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rules of Love?

Rules of Love? Do we really need rules if we want to be in a relationship with someone? Can't we just do whatever we want? Well obviously not! In my opinion, there are certain rules that must be followed when you're in a relationship. I know, right? Rules? I thought rules are suppose to be followed in school but we can do whatever we want outside of school. If you think that, then you're totally wrong.
Rules, or should I say, "common sense", is the ability to know what's right from wrong and know the obvious. Some of the most important rules in a relationship is obviously no lying, no cheating, don't do whatever that will hurt your boyfriend/girlfriend. I think those are the major rules you have to follow.
But for most people, people will already follow those rules, because they are smart enough to not do that. Being in a relationship, or I mean, in love means that you actually care for that person and that you will practically do anything for them. Maybe not anything but at least it shows that you care for that special love one. When you're in a relationship, it's when you're in a committed relationship and that you won't play around with their hearts and feelings.
What happens if you break these rules? Why would you even break these rules? Why would you even lie and cheat? Are they not enough? Are they not good enough? Are you some kind of player or slut who needs multiple girls or guys to be satisfied? Think about the other person for once! Once you break these rules, you break their heart and that is not a good thing to do. What happens if they're stupid enough to kill themselves? And it's all your fault. If you can't handle that person, you can't handle being in a committed relationship.
Nice girls? Nice guys? Do they even exist nowadays? I suppose back then in the 1980's or so, they did have nicer people but today? I don't think we have any of those people anymore. I mean I guess people can be nice and friendly and all but honestly saying, everyone can be selfish, rude, jealous, and what not in their own ways. Some things that nice girls won't do is be confident about herself and that guys will probably take advantage of her. Some things that nice guys won't do is treat girls like shit.
These rules aren't invented by anybody. There's no book of rules of love written by someone. People have different expectations of rules and how they want someone to treat them. It actually depends on their personality. But all you need is just common sense... or else you're not ready to be in a relationship.

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